Wednesday, May 6, 2020


With the great weather up here I have been spending more time in the garden, browsing some of my old wargaming/military modelling magazines.
Firstly, a great painting of a French 7YW officer. I really must try to do a conversion of this piece with his hat on the end of his sword, Armistead at Gettysburg style.

Next some illustrations from a magazine which must be 50 years old, but is still one of the best ever produced. (Circa 1967?)
I was reading an article in the magazine by Charles Grant when I noticed the figures at the top by Norman Newton.
This photograph still stands the test of time, and probably represents troops of the period at their best.
These figures really look the business, are positioned perfectly, and put to shame many of the “orc” style figures that followed them. I have no idea who the gentleman who owned this collection was, but I would love to see more of his work. Perhaps Charles G will be able to shed some light on the origin.
Off for my morning exercise then back to the garden. Looking forward to a chat with Stuart I later.’


  1. This is where I came in......
    After completing the AWI in year 2000 I wanted to step into the European theatre.
    Purchased some of the Staddens, unfortunately the castings were not up to the standard of the earlier casts that I had purchased in the 1980's. I realised the range was incomplete but I felt confident I could reproduce some of the missing elements. As I said the castings were not to my liking, pity as I was in discussions with Barry Hilton to paint some for me.

    The rest is history..... I have no regrets.

  2. Thanks John. The collection is credited to Herr Eric Rohde. I would be very interested to learn more about this gentleman and his collection. The history/background of model soldier collectors has always been of interest to me and his collection looks superb. I have not spoken to CSG for some time, but perhaps you could ask him the next time you speak. He may remember Herr Rohde.

  3. Go to the Unfashionably Shiny Blog for more photos.

    Doug and I discussed this collection on the AMG Forum.

    1. Thanks John. A most interesting read and atmospheric images. I often visit this wonderful blog, but must have missed this section. The black and white photos probably give even more appeal.Your own photography is superb. Some of the recent shots are fabulous and have a warm colour depth to them. Must be the recent sunny weather or your new camera. Thanks for posting the Spain images. I have notified Stuart I, who is currently working on a second Sugar Islands book. These images will wet his appitite.

  4. Graham can't beat the look of the Staddens in the old photos. I often go back through Miniature Warfare and remind myself what inspiration they gave me.
    As John says visit the Unfashinably Shiny Blog andcsearch on Stadden

    1. Thanks Graham. Had a very pleasant hour looking through the links. What a great blog !


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...