Monday, August 5, 2024

Claymore 2024

 On Saturday we attended the annual Claymore show in Edinburgh. There seemed to be fewer retailers than last year, possibly the timing of the show, which clashes with the start of the Edinburgh festival, makes accommodation very expensive. We had a most enjoyable day, with lots of interest and questions about our display. I had previously shown it at Partizan, but I wanted the chance for it to be seen in Scotland. If we had a pound for every photograph taken, we would have gone home with very heavy pockets !

My plan is to offer my 40mm French, British, Prussian and Austrian armies for sale in the near future. (Over 3000 figures !). This will allow me to focus on building the new 30mm armies.

Next up is Kulmbach on Friday, which I am really looking forward to. I am not really a flats collector, but I do admire the quality of work on display, and as the show only happens every two years, it is just too good to miss.

A few photos of Saturdays game, which won best of show, and a very embarrassed me accepting the award !

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, a fantastic looking game.
    An award well deserved.



Claymore 2024

 On Saturday we attended the annual Claymore show in Edinburgh. There seemed to be fewer retailers than last year, possibly the timing of th...