Friday, May 1, 2020

Hanoverian officer painted and based

The Officer conversion was painted up today.

A staff officer meeting. Sporcken indicates the position of the enemy while the new officer looks on.
Ferdinand wears the blue jacket and the staff officer to the right was another recent conversion.

Next, I need to finish another Hanoverian regiment before any more distractions.
The 3D Vauban Fort continues with the start of the barracks print. These are big files and can take 24 hours to print. Construction has been put on hold as Mrs H was kept awake last night by the printer churning away!


  1. He has turned out rather well, really good looking conversion. Good work on him!

  2. Very nice. I like the horse too, very realistic colouring.
    You need to move that printer!!😆😉


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...