Thursday, May 14, 2020

All quiet on the 18th century front

This is because I have been distracted this week, so very limited painting on 18th century stuff, (working in Hanover grenadiers) but no progress on the French officer conversion.
The distraction has been caused by some 30mm Phoenix Figures I have acquired. ..No not the dodgy Phoenix follies, but the 30mm parade series. First produced in the mid 1970’s and sculpted by Tim Richards I believe, this series was well sculpted and correctly proportioned, representing British army regiments. The 30mm scale is compatible with some of the better sculpted modern ranges and scales with Willy figures.
So much of the weeks painting time has been taken up by producing a full regiment of Scots Guards, circa 1900. They are very quick and easy to paint and make a splendid display. I am planning to create a 64 man regiment with, in addition , 4 piece colour party, 2 officers and mounted colonel, RSM, 2 sergeants and then a 16 piece band. Don’t know where this will go, but if I don’t get bored I may add other regiments. What about wargaming with them ? Well they are mainly for display, unless I acquire some full dress Germans and create a “Riddle of the Sands” scenario, but I don’t think so.


  1. They are lovely!! A very nice diversion.

    1. Thanks Donnie, they are very addictive. I will complete a full regiment of Scots Guards and then see where I go with the project

  2. They do look good painted up. Well sculpted figures.
    So do you have nasty continental types to oppose them?

    1. Don't tempt me Stuart. This project has big enough legs just doing the British army. ....But some Germans & French....immmm


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...