Friday, December 27, 2019

Colonel General Cavalerie - France

                                           Colonel General Cavalerie - France

With the family festivities finishing on Boxing day, I took the opportunity today to finish the basing of my latest French heavy cavalry regiment. Most of the information was gathered from Kronoscaf and a Funcken book which shows the regiment. The flag was hand painted. When I first saw it on Kronoscaf, the flag seemed very challenging, but quite pleased with the result and it did not take too long to finish. Of late, I have fully assembled my cavalry figures and attached them to their horses before painting. I have also started to solder the flags for a more permanent attachment. I find that by assembling the model first and then undercoating it, I can complete a figure far quicker than if I assemble it once painted. I have ran out of heavy horses or I would have added an extra squadron to this regiment. I have a reasonable stock of hussar horses, so with a little conversion, my next regiment will be the Turpin Hussards.


  1. They look great, lovely work on the flag. I use the same source for my flag but photoshop them!

  2. Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information! world wide news


Refighting History Volume 8

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