Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Scale Comparisons

Feedback to my new range on social media has been fantastic, so today, I thought that I would give readers an idea of scale comparisons, although the images do not really do it justice.

From left to right: Crann Tara, Minden, John D Savoy, Eagle, Perry, Phoenix, My figure 

A close up of the heads helps show the different heights.

Like for like, Crann Tara, Minden, Savoy, My range

My own range has been scaled at 30mm from bottom of shoe to tip of bare head.

A small peek at my first Austrian regiment.

The colour party for Austrian regiment IR3, Carl Lothringen. Hopefully fully recruited and ready to parade next week.

Many thanks again to all who have shown interest and visited my blog.



  1. Good comparison shot, gives an idea of scale, The Austrian teaser looks great, super work and superb looking flags.

    1. Thanks Donnie, good to here from you again. I recently joined the Dingwall club. Not sure if you are a member. Hopefully, more pictures of the Austrians next week. They ae a joy to paint

    2. Graham, the Dingwall club has been on my to do list for an absolute age and still not done anything about it!


  Austria - Regiment IR3 Carl Lothringen, Austrian Infantry Regiment IR3 Carl Lothringen, together with their grenadiers, march out of barra...