Monday, June 24, 2024

 Prussian Infantry Regiment IR23. von Forcade de Biaix

This is the first completed unit in my new 30mm collection. The regiment has two Btn's, 1st Btn in the foreground with colours, and the 2nd Btn following behind. The colours are hand painted on tin strips, and feature the Leibfahne and a Kompaniefahne 1747-1806.

Each Btn is made up of five bases of six men, giving a 30 man btn. Also included are two bases of six grenadiers which will be converged in action, a btn gun, command figures and a mounted officer. "Big" regiments is the order of the day...spectacular on a wargames table.

IR23 was raised in 1713. It was considered an elite unit, hard fighting and one of the best in the Prussian army.During the Seven Years War, Friedrich Wilhelm von Forcade, Marquis de Biaix commanded.

My next featured unit will be Austrian Infantry Regiment IR3 Carl Lothringen.


  1. A fantastic looking regiment very elegant and Prussian looking.


  2. Graham,
    Great photographs of wonderfully painted Prussians.
    I look forward to more postings.

    1. Thanks John, hopefully lots to come. I look forward to giving you a call in the next few weeks for an update.

  3. Lovely looking regiment, superb painting they look great.

  4. Great looking unit and a wonderful debut for the next sculpts / castings. Richard

    1. Thanks Richard, hopefully there will be lots of new units to come.


  Austria - Regiment IR3 Carl Lothringen, Austrian Infantry Regiment IR3 Carl Lothringen, together with their grenadiers, march out of barra...