Tuesday, April 7, 2020

French coastal battery

Just about completed my first French coastal battery. Still to add a colour bearer, couple of casualties and equipment, but pleased with the result. All figures are S & S conversions. The coastal fort is printed with my 3D Prusa. French coastal artillery units were common in the 7YW and with the addition of militia can give some colourful combinations.
(The chap in the green coat is an 18th century dandy, visiting just for the action.)


  1. Very nice feature. Love the dandy.

  2. That really looks the part, it looks great with the figures added, very nice work there!

  3. Your articles are inventive. I am looking forward to reading the plethora of articles that you have linked here. Thumbs up! dime cart


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...