Friday, February 7, 2020

My casting machine is back !!!

Oh joy of joys, my old faithful casting has been repaired and delivered today, after some 2 months, but what seems like an eternity. She is nearly 30 years old, Fine Art Casting Machinery, none of your new fancy hydraulic, digital equipment, a good old fashioned weights based centrifugal casting machine. They certainly don't make them like this any more, but she gave me 30 years service before needing a new motor and controller this year, probably because of damp in my garage.

She has been casting like a dream, she has obviously missed me and has given me some of the best casts in a long time. So lots of 18th century diversifications and new projects this weekend.
I have cast a couple of Austrian 20mm figures which Graham C gave me in PVA 3d print. They look lovely, and I cannot wait to paint them. Could be the start of a whole new scale. I have cast some 40mm dollies to allow me to convert some firing, loading and kneeling figures. And finally I converted a couple of old Willy style figures to play around with so I will hopefully also paint them. It will also give me the chance to complete a couple of regiments of 40mm figures which I had ran out of, including Grenadiers de France and some btn guns.  ...... Roll on the weekend, who cares if it rains !!


  1. Well you have been busy, glad to see the machine is straight back into action

    1. Hopefully I can get those figures of yours cast now.
      The 22 ers look good

  2. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of that little beauty!

  3. Excellent news. Look forward to seeing those casts.


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...