Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A bit of a diversion

Hanoverian recruitment has been held back of late by a new distraction, a 30mm unit of Scots Guards circa 1910. This period, particularly the British army in full dress, has always been a major of interest  of mine, and I was brought up in the 1960’s when Britains lead soldiers were being phased out and plastic 54mm and Airfix was all the rage with young boys.  I always hankered after a lead soldier collection but they were way out of my price range and became the domain of serious collectors.
So this seems a good compromise. 30mm is now the industry standard, they have plenty detail if well sculpted, are affordable and look great en masse, without taking up vast self space.
So I now introduce my first completed unit of Scots Guards, 64 marching men, 4 piece colour party, 2sergeants, 1 Sergeant major, 2 officers and mounted Lt Colonel.
I will also paint up 12 line markers. Still to paint up the band, pioneer , transport mule and handler, which should give me a 1:12 representation of a British regiment circa 1910.


  1. Everyone needs a distraction!
    These are very nice and lovely sculpts.

    1. Thanks Stuart. Enjoying your blog, some great posts

  2. You've done a cracking job on them, they look super.

    1. Thanks Donnie. They are fairly quick to paint and look good en masse

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Graham, Love the Guards, as you say lots of detail there. Any thoughts about Household Cavalry? Cheers Greg

    1. Hi Greg. Yes I have bought some mounted figures and a dismounted Lifeguard to convert. They are on my list to do after the Coldstream Guards & Grenadiers.


Refighting History Volume 8

“The Seven Years War, Western Theatre, small actions”, by Charles Grant. This arrived today as a belated birthday present ! Why did I wa...