Saturday, February 22, 2020


Today, Stuart and  myself will fight Sandershausen, which I visited last September. This is a compact little battle with small forces, and it should make for an enjoyable afternoon. The Hessian centre was made up of militia and they had a much smaller force, although the French had to march uphill. Both flanks were covered in dense woodlands, with hazardous descents.
It begs the question why did Isenburg choose to fight?  Was he brave, mad or just bad ? We shall find out.

                                Hessian line at top of the hill, the village of Ellenbach on their left flank

                                               Broglie’s French cavalry in the second Line

       The French line from their rear, looking upwards to the Hessians. Ellenbach on the right

Isenburg rallies his Hessians

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting little battle. The position Isenberg took up was a strong one but the forces he had at his disposal were poor, and the French were present in superior numbers. I am interested to see how your re-fight plays out.


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