Friday, April 26, 2019

Vive La France !

Today I have decided to post images of some of my French army collection. The French army is currently my favourite of the period. Don't ask me why...they have a bad reputation, over officered,
indisciplined and untidy, in transition, boring white uniforms, plain uninspiring flags and so on. But dig a little deeper and the French army is full of variation. I like quirkiness and French units are full of unusual features. Regimental sizes vary drastically, Irish, Swiss, German and royal units all provide lots of variety, and some of the flags are simply splendid. The French army of 1914 has always fascinated me. Out of date uniforms and weaponry, crazy tactics but lots of elan. The French in 1756 in my view were very similar, and going through a period of transition. The French army probably had more officers in relation to men than any other army of the period. This gives plenty of opportunity for officer vignettes.
While my Prussian and Austrian units have a standard size of 7 bases of 4 figures, plus command, btn gun and sergeant, the French regiments vary according to the number of battalions. The Royal Ecosse, Dillon, La Mark regiments will be of similar size to the German/Austrians, but big regiments such as Gardes Francais, La Marine etc can have up to 48 figures, a splendid sight in 40mm.

So a few of my French units as they appear on my shelves .... (The units are labelled below)


  1. Graham,
    Welcome aboard the world of blogs! Your collection is superb and there are some great photos.
    I look forward to more (by the way some 40mm prints will be winging your way shortly)

    1. Good to hear from you Graham. Hope to see you at Falkirk. Hope to hear all about CG's latest field trip to Germany.

  2. John's blog amilitarygentleman pointed me in your direction and I'm glad he did. Some splendid photos and a little detail about the numbers in the French regiments is just the way to get a chap interested and then there's a battle report too.
    I enjoyed seeing the unit of Veterans - reminded me of the unit of Gentlemen Pensioners in the Battle of Blasthof Bridge.
    I wish you well with your new venture.


    1. Hi Stephen
      Thank you for your kind comments. Still a bit of a learning curve

  3. Hi Stephen. Many thanks for your kind comments. Still a bot of a learning curve for me


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